"In Poetry I have a few axioms, and you will see how far I am from their centre. I think Poetry should surprise by a fine excess and not by singularity — it should strike the reader as a wording of his own highest thoughts, and appear almost a remembrance — Its touches of Beauty should never be halfway thereby making the reader breathless instead of content: the rise, the progress, the setting of imagery should like the Sun come natural to him — shine over him and set soberly although in magnificence leaving him in the luxury of twilight — but it is easier to think what Poetry should be than to write it — and this leads me on to another axiom.
That if Poetry comes not as naturally as the leaves to a tree it had better not come at all."
• Letter to John Taylor (February 27, 1818)
John Keats
Nasció en 1795 en inglaterra, murió en 1821, roma. Uno de los principales poetas británicos de romanticismo.
Sus mejores poemas los escribe casi al final de su vida. Libros: Hyperion (1818). La estrella brillante (1819).Oda a un ruiseñor (1819). Oda a una tumba griega (1819). La caída de Hyperion: un sueño (1819)